
When undergoing revamping, vehicles are completely disassembled and equipment and components that might be reused are removed with care.

Together with the bogies, the latter are serviced and subjected to functional tests at SITAV itself or by specialized firms.

All processes described as “special” are carried out by qualified personnel who apply specific procedures that even indicate what equipment to use for processing and what checks to carry out.

Repairs and modifications foreseen in the new project are performed on metal structures; the paint cycle is carried out and products for thermal and acoustic insulation are applied.

This is followed by the installation of the wiring system, the cabinets and the various electrical and electronic equipment.

Wiring is built by highly qualified personnel and is subjected to final checks with specific electronic equipment to verify their continuity, insulation and electric strength.

The systems, pneumatic equipment, air-conditioning and heating units with the relative pipes, and doors with the relative mechanisms are fitted, followed by the covering panels, driver desk, interior furnishings and any other components foreseen in the project.

After being assembled and coupled with the bogies, the train or tram is subjected to functionality tests of all its safety systems and equipment and prepared for shipment.